Selling your Business
Investment Process
Submitting Proposals
Physical Inspections
8 - 18% Returns
Finder's Fees
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Goodrum & Company welcomes the submission of proposals directly by principals, or through established intermediaries and other third parties. Those submitting proposals need to provide background material on the company, including three (3) complete years of financial data - tax statements, balance sheets, profit & loss statements, income statements, and notes to financials. If your statements do not contain detailed notes, please attach your own explanation of line items. Also, please provide current updated year-end / year-to-date financial data.

Equipment list detailing make, model, basic specs and value of revenue equipment.

Listing of loans to be paid or assumed by the buyer, with principal and monthly payments broken down, along with a description of collateral pledged for each loan.

Complete listing of machinery and tools and approximate value for each.

Listing of real estate assets and approximate value, with mortgage loans detailed.

Aging summary of accounts receivable and payable (not the actual customer list, just the aging summary), showing separately the trade vendors totals.

Provide a statement describing the strength and adequacy of your remaining management team after you leave the company. (We must have local management in place since it not our desire to personally manage an acquired company).

You may send this information directly to us, where it will be evaluated, from a financial standpoint, and an offer will be prepared for your consideration.

There is of course no obligation on your part to do anything but consider our offer.

Let us hear from you!

Click here to go to the next step: Physical Inspections.

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Copyright 2005 - 2015, Goodrum & Company All rights reserved. Not a public solicitation.